Campbell, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Canning or Gordon-Canning, [Mrs] Gordon [full version unknown]
Canziani, Estella Louisa Michaela
Cape and Co. The Great Cash Drapers., F.
Carter, T.J. probably Thomas James
Cassell, [Mr] [full version unknown]
Caudwell, [Mr] [full version unknown]
Checketts , [family][full versions unknown]
Chickley, [Mr][full version unknown]
Christ Church College University of Oxford
Christy, Miller probably Robert Miller
Clarke but possibly Clark, Alfred
Clementi, [Lady] Marie Penelope Rose
Clymer, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Cole, [Lieutenant][full version unknown]
Collett, [Mrs.][full version unknown]
Coltart, [Mrs] [Alan Herbert][full version unknown]
Colvin-Smith, [Mrs] [full version unknown]
Constable, [Mr][full version unknown]
Copper Development Association
Corbey possibly Corby, J.R. possibly James R.
Corby, [Mr][full version unknown]
Corner, [Captain][full version unknown]
Coventon, A.C. or C.A. [possibly Charles Arthur]
Cowell, Wilfred Hammerton Antrobus
Cowper, H.S. [probably Henry Swainson]
Cranstone, Bryan Allan Lefevre
Critchley [father of Master Critchley], [Mr]
Critchley [Son of Mr. Critchley], [Mr] [full version unknown]
Cuddington Parish Church Vicar and churchwardens
Cunnington, (Edward) Benjamin Howard
Cunnington, [Captain][full version unknown] [possibly Edward]
Career Academic / Anthropologist / Musician
Biography Ethnomusicologist who specialised in working on Malekula, Vanuatu [Alison Petch [as part of 'The Other Within' project 2006-9] 15/12/2006]
Biography References
Clubs & Societies Royal Anthropological Institute [& earlier manifestations]
County Shropshire
Relationship Maker / Other Owner
Archaeological or Ethnographic Sound archives
Collected around 1958
Date made around 1958
Dates active ?-1993
Donated around 1958
Owned 1958
English collections Tape recording of 'Comus' conducted by Clausen in Ludlow Castle in 1958
Oxford Uni Education Unknown
Oxford based Unknown
English collection size 1
Connections Thomas Kenneth Penniman