Rawlings, H.T. possibly Henry J.
Rawnsley, T.S. [possibly T.J.]
Rayner, [Mr][full version unknown]
Read, [Mr][full version unknown]
Revell and Dayne / Revell and *P.K. Patent Temper, F.G.R.
Richardson, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Rickets, [Mr][full version unknown]
Rigaud, [Miss][full version unknown but possibly Jane]
Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt
Rivers, [Mr] [full version unknown] [Florence's husband]
Robbins, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Robertson / Robertson Electric Lamps Ltd, C.J.
Robertson-Fortay, C. Philip M.
Rogers, [Mr] [full version unknown]
Rolfe, [Mr][full version unknown]
Rosenheim, Max and / or Maurice
Rothschild , [family][full versions unknown]
Royal Armouries London, The Assistant Master of the Tower Armoury / per British Museum
Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield
Royal United Services Institute [Museum]
Career Archaeologist / Academic
Biography Professor and Head of the Baden-Powell Quaternary Research Centre, Pitt Rivers Museum from 1975 until 2003 [Alison Petch [as part of 'The Other Within' project 2006-9] 22/02/2007]
Biography References http://www.britarch.ac.uk/lithics/event.html / Milliken, S. and J. Cook (eds.) (2001) A Very Remote Period Indeed: Papers on the Palaeolithic Presented to Derek Roe. Oxford: Oxbow Books / Debrett's People of Today 2006 / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Roe
County Sussex
Relationship Other Owner / PRM Source
Archaeological or Ethnographic Sound archivesEthnography
Collected around 1981
Dates active 1937-
Donated around 1981
English collections Gramophone & seven boxes of needles (unknown number), 49 gramaphone records
Oxford Uni College St Cross
Oxford Uni Education No
Oxford based Yes
Date in Oxford 1965-present
Portrait link http://www.britarch.ac.uk/lithics/event.html
English collection size 69
Connections Miss M.D. Roe / Attwells Birchfield Co. Ltd