Rawlings, H.T. possibly Henry J.
Rawnsley, T.S. [possibly T.J.]
Rayner, [Mr][full version unknown]
Read, [Mr][full version unknown]
Revell and Dayne / Revell and *P.K. Patent Temper, F.G.R.
Richardson, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Rickets, [Mr][full version unknown]
Rigaud, [Miss][full version unknown but possibly Jane]
Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt
Rivers, [Mr] [full version unknown] [Florence's husband]
Robbins, [Mrs][full version unknown]
Robertson / Robertson Electric Lamps Ltd, C.J.
Robertson-Fortay, C. Philip M.
Rogers, [Mr] [full version unknown]
Rolfe, [Mr][full version unknown]
Rosenheim, Max and / or Maurice
Rothschild , [family][full versions unknown]
Royal Armouries London, The Assistant Master of the Tower Armoury / per British Museum
Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield
Royal United Services Institute [Museum]
Career Religious / Academic
Biography Archdeacon, Fellow of Magdalen College [Alison Petch [as part of 'The Other Within' project 2006-9] 22/02/2007]
Biography References http://www.headington.org.uk/history/buildings/wingfield.htm / http://home.arcor.de/oscar.wilde/interactive/calendar/july.htm
County Oxfordshire
Relationship Other Owner / PRM Source
Archaeological or Ethnographic Ethnography
Collected around 1888
Dates active Possibly 1816?-1888
Donated around 1888
English collections Model gun, powder flask, collapsible candlesticks or parts thereof, midshipman's dirk, gorget, sword, umbrellas, wig cover stand and box, Sword belt and other things, mica lantern and box, shoe buckles, neckwear stiffener, case, pounce box, nightcap, candlestick, button, ribands, rosette, walking stick, seal stamp,
Oxford Uni College Magdalen College
Oxford Uni Education Yes
Oxford Uni date Unknown
Oxford based Yes
Date in Oxford Unknown
English collection size 41
Connections ?Stephen Peter Rigaud / Gibbes Rigaud / Mr Jordan / Miss Rigaud / [Oxord University Museum of Natural History