Top 10 objects from Wiltshire
There are a total of 1,983 objects from Wiltshire of which the vast majority are (stone) tools (1.901). Classes with more than 20 objects are listed below:
Class of object |
Number of objects |
Tool [definite] |
1,901 |
Geology |
49 |
Box |
41 |
Vessel |
32 |
Pottery |
31 |
Insignia |
26 |
Classes of artefacts with less than 20 objects are Agriculture, Animalia, Animal Gear, Bags, Clothing, Currency, Dwelling, Figure, Fire, Food, Hunting, Lighting, Lock, Marriage, Measurement, Models, Music, Physical anthropology, plant, religion, reproduction, scientific apparatus, specimens, technique, textiles, time, transport, writing and tools and weapons.
Ethnographic and Archaeological split: 95 per cent of Wiltshire collections are archaeological
Note: this is all the classes that have related objects in the Wiltshire collections
You are reminded that all artefacts can be classified as more than one type or class, a drinking cup is classified as both a Vessel and Food.