Naish, J., Mrs
Naish, Mrs
Nancy Bower
Naseby, C., Mrs
Nathan, A.J.
Nathan, Mark
Neal, Adrien
Neal, P.E.
Neale, A., Mrs
Neale, Mrs L.M.
Neale, W.H., Mr
Neate, Mrs J.
Nedderman, Mrs
Needs, J.T.
Neiman, Robert, I.
Nelder, Bob
Netherby, George
Nevell, Amy J.
Neville, C.R., Mr
Neville, Louis
Neville, R.
Neville, V., Mrs
Nevinson, J.L. ( executors)
Newbigging, J., Mr
Newdigate, Miss K. probably Katerine M.M.
Newdigate, Mrs P.
Newell, Mr
Newman, J., Mr
Newman, Mr
Newman, Mrs (per Mr Lattey)
Nicholas, Mrs
Nicholas, P.M., Mrs
Nicholes, John
Nicholls, A.V., Mr
Nicholls, J., Mr
Nicholls, J.E., Mrs
Nicholls, R., Mrs
Nichols, J., Mr
Nichols, Master (or) Jarvis
Nicholson, D., Mrs
Nilton, R.H.
Nixey, L., Mr (via City Estates Surveyor)
Noll, C.
Noll, C.M., Mr
Noll, Christian
Norman, M., Mrs
Norman, Mrs
North, J.D. North
North, William (artist)
Norton, G., Miss
Nowell, Mr
Nutkin, A., Mrs
O'Connor, F.
O'Connor, K., Mrs
O'Rorke, Margaret
O'Sullivan, B.O., Mrs
Oak-Rhind, P., Mrs
Oakey, D., Mr
Ody, E., Mrs
Ody, Mrs
Ogden, Eric, Mr
Oliver, A., Mr
Oliver, Alan
Oliver, C., Mrs
Oliver, M., Mrs
Oliver, Miss
Oliver, Mrs
Oliver, S.A.J., Mr
Oliver, Seymour, Mr
Openshaw, J., Mr
Organ, Miss
Organ, Mr
Organ, L.W.
Organ, V., Miss
Osborn-King, C.
Osborn, S., Mr
Osborne, E.T.
Osborne, G.W.
Osman, Mr
Otter, E., Mr
Overy, Charles
Owen, A.E.
Owen, G.E.
Owen, J.M.
Owen, John (via the Ashmolean)
Owen, Simon
Packer, Basil
Packer, Mr
Padbury, Mr
Page, J., Miss
Page, M., Mrs
Page, Miss
Page, Mss
Page, W.J.
Page, W.W., Mrs
Pain, Mr
Paine, C.
Paine, C.C.
Paine, Crispin
Paine, Mr
Painter, Mr
Painting, G., Mrs
Paisley, J.A., Mr & Paisley, Mrs
Palmer, A.G., Mr
Palmer, F.A.
Palmer, F.C.
Palmer, F.G., Mr
Palmer, June, Mrs
Palmer, N., Mr
Palmer, Walter, Mrs
Poulton-Palmer, Ronald William
Palmer, William Mortlock
Panter, J., Miss
Panter, R.
Panter, R.R.
Pantin, W.D.
Paragreen, Mr
Pargetter, F., Mr
Pargetter, Mrs
Parish, I.
Parish, I.P.
Parker, Dr & Parker, Mrs
Parker, E.J., Miss
Parker, F.B.W.
Parker, Lady
Parker, Mrs
Parker, P., Mr
Parker, P., Mrs
Parker, P.T., Mrs
Parker, William H.
Parkes, G.D., Mr
Parkes, M., Mrs
Parr, Mrs
Parrott, Mrs
Parry, C.E., Mrs
Parry, Mr (via)
Parry, Wendy
Parsons, Catherine E.
Parsons, H., Miss
Parsons, M., Miss
Parsons, M., Mrs
Parsons, Miss
Parsons, Mr
Parsons, Mr & Parsons, Mrs
Parsons, Mr and Parsons, Mrs
Parsons, Mrs
Parsons, N.
Parsons, O., Miss
Parsons, P., Mr
Parsons, Peter, Mr
Parsons, R.M., Mr & Parsons, Mrs
Parsons, T.M.
Partridge, Mr
Partridge, Mrs
Patel, H.K.
Paton, J., Mr
Patterson Liddle
Paulin, Mrs
Pauling, Margaret (on behalf of W.I.)
Pavitt, R.C.W. (Divisional Officer)
Paxman, W., Mr
Paxton, Mrs
Payne, E.A., Mrs & Cox, M.R.T., Miss
Payne, Mr
Payne, Mrs
Payne, Frank
Peacock, Florence
Peacock, S., Mr
Peake, D., Mrs
Peake, M., Mr
Peake, M., Mr & Hathaway, Mr
Peake, Mrs
Pearce, J., Miss
Pearce, Joan Rosalind
Pearl, Sue
Peck, Jenny
Peckover, B., Miss
Peckover, Mr
Peers, C.J.
Peers, C.J. (Executors)
Peers, R., Mrs
Pendell, G.
Penfold, Mr
Pengilley, P., Mr
Penman, V., Mrs
Penman, Vera
Penney, Lady
Penney, S.
Penney, Stephen, Mr
Penning-Rowsell, M., Mrs
Pennington, Anne Elizabeth
Penny, Mr (via)
Penrose Brown, Judith, Dr
Pepler, Mrs.
Percival, A.C.
Perkins, H.F., Mr
Perkins, Miss
Perkins, Mrs
Perrein, Mrs
Perry, K.M., Mrs
Perry, Mr (headmaster)
Perry, Mrs.
Petch, Alison
Peters, C.S., Mrs
Petersen, Mr & Petersen, Mrs
Pether, Mrs
Pettit, Sgt
Philcox, Miss
Philip, K., Miss
Philips, A.C., Mrs
Philips, Mrs
Phillip, A.C., Mrs
Phillip, G.C.H., Rev.
Phillips, A.C., Mrs
Phillips, Ali
Phillips, C., Mr
Phillips, C., Mr & Phillips, Mrs
Phillips, C., Mrs
Phillips, E., Mrs
Phillips, K., Miss
Phillips, Lloyd, Mr
Phillips, Mr & Phiilips, C., Mrs
Phillips, Mr & Phillips,
Phillips, Mr & Phillips, Mrs
Phillips, Mrs
Phillips, Oxford
Phipps, Mr & Phipps, Mrs
Phipps, P.W.
Phipps, R.A., Mr
Pickering, Mr
Picket, John., Mr
Pickett, J., Esquire
Pickford, Mr
Pickles, M., Miss
Pickles, Miss
Pickord, G.W., Mr
Pieri, Mrs
Piggott, Mr
Piggott, S., Mr
Pigot, C., Mr
Pigott, C., Ms
Pilgrim, Mary-Nell
Pilman, Mr
Pimm, E., Mrs
Pimm, Mrs
Pinsent, M., Mrs
Piper, M.E., Mrs
Pitt, Mrs
Pitts, Darvin., Master
Pitts, M., Mr & Pitts, Mrs
Pitts, Mr
Pitts, Mrs
Plaice, Paul, Mr
Plaster, A., Mrs
Plaster, Mrs
Player, John
Plummer, L., Mr & Plummer, L., Mrs
Pock, Dr
Pocock, L., Mrs
Pocock, Mr
Poller, F.C., Mr
Pollintine, I., Mrs
Pollock, Keith
Pomfret, J., Mrs
Pomfret, Joy, Mrs
Ponsonby, Lady
Pont, S.E., Mr
Poole, Colonel
Pope, Mr
Pope, Mrs
Popkin, J.M., Mr.
Porteous, Sharon
Portergill, J., Councillor.
Portlett, A.C., Mr
Portsmouth, F., Mrs
Potter, A., Mr & Potter, Mrs
Potter, Mr & Potter, Mrs
Potter, Sylvia, Mrs
Potter, Yvonne
Potts, William
Poulton, Edward Bagnall
Pound, Mrs
Baden-Powell, Donald Ferlys Wilson
Powell, D., Mrs & Wootton, M., Mrs
Powell, Frederick York
Powell, G., Mr
Powell, George
Powell, Miss
Powell, Mrs
Powell, S.F.
Powell, Mrs
Powys, Henrietta
Pratley, Alf
Pratley, E.M., Mrs
Pratley, Mrs
Pratley, W.F.
Pratley, Mr [W.F.'s father]
Pratt, Miss
Prentice, Mrs
Preston, H.
Preston, J.
Prew, R., Mr
Price, H., Rev
Price, Lewis, Mr
Price, Miss
Price, Mr
Price, V., Mrs
Prideaux, W. de probably William de Courcy
Prior, Bettina, Mrs
Prior, M., Mrs
Prior, Mary, Mrs
Prior, Mr
Pritchard, John Emanuel
Pritchett, K., Mr
Pruitt, Mr
Pudsy-Dawson, David
Puillips, R
Pullen, Mrs
Pulzer, G., Mrs
Pulzer, M.
Purbrick, B, Mr & Purbrick, W, Mrs
Purbrick, T.J., Mr
Purefoy, G., Mr
Purefoy, Mrs
Purver, E.M., Mrs
Purves, S., Mr
Putman, Mr
Putnam, W.T.
Putt, E., Mr
Putt, Mr
Quainton, C.T., Mr
Quainton, Mr
Quartermain, Mrs.
Quartermain, N., Miss
Quartermaine, A., Mr
Quartermaine, N., Miss
Quick, L., Mr
Quinn, E.V., Mr
Radice, Mr
Raffell, Ken, Mr
Rainsley Executors
Rainsley, Neville
Ramshaw, W.
Randall, Mrs
Randle, J., Mr (?)
Randle, J., Mr.
Randle, Mrs
Ransom, Miss
Ransom, Mrs
Rant, Miss
Rant, Mr
Rapson, John
Ratcliffe, E.A., Mrs
Ratcliffe, Mrs
Rathbone (?)
Rathbone, G.F.R
Rathbone, James, Mr
Rathbone, Mr
Rathbone, Reg (per Alex Brown)
Ravenning, A., Miss
Ray, Graham, Mr (O.C.M.)
Rayner, Mr
Rayson, C., Mr
Rayson, Christopher, Mr
Rayson, Mr
Read, J.L., Mr
Read, Mrs
Reade, J.
Reason, Mrs
Redborn, John
Reed, J.
Rees, D., Mr
Rees, D.L., Mr
Reeves, I., Miss
Reeves, M., Ms
Reeves, Mrs
Reeves, Sybil Irene, Miss
Reynolds, F., Mrs
Reynolds, J., Mr
Rhodes, John G.
Rhymes, Mrs
Richards, A., Mr
Richards, L.G., Mr
Richards, Mr
Richardson, Roderick
Richings, J., Miss
Rickards, R.
Ridler, W.H., Mr
Rigaud, Gibbes
Rigaud, John
Rigaud, Miss
Rigg, M., Mrs
Righton, Mr
Riley, K.E.
Riley, R., Mr
Ritchie, James
Ritchie, Dr
Pitt Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane Fox
Riza, P., Mr
Roach, Mr
Robbins, R.H.G., Mr
Robbins, W.J. & Robbins, J.A.
Roberts, J.M., Mr
Roberts, Miss
Roberts, V., Mrs
Robertson, J., Miss
Robeson, D., Miss
Robeson, D., Miss per Blinkhorn,
Robins, F., Mr
Robins, G.N., Mr
Robins, L.B., Mrs
Robinson, Alfred
Robinson, Barbara, Mrs
Robinson, Delroy
Robinson, J.R., Mrs
Robinson, J., Mr
Robinson, Jean
Robinson, Jean, Mrs
Robinson, Mrs
Robinson, N.L., Miss
Robinson, R., Mr
Robinson, Ray
Robinson, Stuart. J
Robson, L., Mr
Robson, L.W., Mr
Robson, Mr
Robson, N.E., Mr
Robson, R.L., Mr
Rodgers, M.
Rogers, A.C.
Rogers, H., Mr
Rogers, M., Mrs
Rogers, Mrs
Rogers, P. C., Miss
Roles, Freda, Mrs
Rolls, E., Mrs
Roncouri, H., Mrs
Roper, C. A., Mr
Ropers, Hugh, Mr
Rose, H., Mrs
Rose, L., Mrs
Rose, M.E., Mrs
Rowan, P., Mrs
Rowell, George Augustus
Rowland, F.A., Mrs
Rowland, P., Mr
Rowland, R
Rowles, C., Mr
Rowles, H.V., Mrs
Rowles, Mr
La Rue, Hélène
Russell-Lewis, J, Mr
Russell, H.,
Russell, M., Mrs
Russell, Mrs
Rutherford, I
Ryder, Mrs
Ryland, R, Mrs
Ryman, Mr possibly James
Sadler, N., Mr
Sale, H.C.D., Mrs
Sale, Mrs
Salfeld, F.T., Mr
Salisbury, Andrew
Salmon, Miss
Sambrook, S.M.
Sandels, Mrs
Sandoe, Luce Panes, Wotton under E
Sargeant, Elizabeth, Mrs
Sargent, P.M., Mr
Saunders, David Dean
Saunders, Mr
Savage, G., Mr
Savage, M
Savage, Miss
Savings, Mrs
Sayce, J., Mr
Saye and Sele, Lord
Sayer, L.J.
Scanlan, C.Y., Mrs
Scarrott, Mrs
Scarrott, S., Mr
Schobart, Mrs
Schofield, F.W., Colonel
Schwarz, Gina
Scott, M.
Scott, Major
Scroggs, R., Mr
Seager, S., Mr & Seager, Mrs
Sealey, Miss
Sealy, K., Mr
Searle, M., Mrs
Sedgman, J., Mrs
Seely, Mrs
Seifen, Lars
Sellers, Kate
Selman, Mr
Selwyn, Mr
Sergeant, Betty, Mrs
Sergeant, E.
Sergeant, E., Mrs
Serle, Philip
Serman, O., Miss
Seward, M., Mrs
Seymour, Mrs
Sharpe, A., Mrs (via Vincent, Mr)
Sharpe, Frederick
Sharpe, James, Mr.
Sharratt, D., Miss
Shave, P., Mrs
Shaw, Robert., Mr
Shaw, T.C.
Shawyer, Mr
Shayler, E., Miss
Sheelan, Charles
Shelmerdine, J.M., Miss
Shelmerdine, Miss
Shepherd, F., Mr
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, Mrs
Shepherd, N.R., Miss
Shepherd, W., Mr
Sheppard, C.A., Mrs
Sheppard, F.
Sheppard, Leslie A.
Shilson, Mrs
Shipperley, S., Mr
Shirley, A., Mrs
Shirley, D.K., Mrs
Shirley, Mrs
Shirley, V., Mr
Shirley, Vincent, Mr
Shishtawi, A., Mr
Shorey, G.
Shurrock, L.C., Mr
Shuter, J., Mr
Sibbet, Christine (per)
Sibson, Mr
Silver, Dr
Silver, E., Mrs
Simmonds, Graham, Mr
Simmonds, John
Simmonds, William
Simms, G., Mr
Simms, G.T., Mr
Simon Martin
Simpson, A.C., Miss
Simpson, J.T., Mr
Simpson, M
Hilton-Simpson, Melville William
Simpson, Mr
Sims, M., Mrs
Sister Jane Monica
Sitwell, Mrs
Skelding, O.B., Mrs
Skellington, B.,
Skellington, W., Mr
Skidmore, Mr
Skinner, Mr
Slatter, E.G., Mr
Slock, E.M.T., Mr
Sloss, J., Ms
Small, C., Mr
Smith, A,.E., Mr
Smith, A.
Smith, A.H.
Smith, A., Mr
Smith, A., Mrs
Smith, Alison
Smith, B.
Smith, Bob Eagle
Smith, C., Mr
Smith, D.
Smith, D.A.
Smith, D.J.
Smith, D.M., Mrs
Smith, David
Smith, E. (Mr)
Smith, Eric
Smith, George
Smith, Ian
Smith, M.
Smith, M.J.
Smith, M.S., Mrs
Smith, Mike, Mr
Smith, Mr & Smith, Mrs
Smith, Mrs
Smith, R.H., Mr
Smith, Richard
Smith, Sarah
Smith, S.M., Mr
Smith, S., Mrs
Smith, S., Mrs & Scansbrook, Mr
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Ted
Smith, W.
Smith, W., Mrs
Smith., Mrs
Smythies, P., Mrs
Snell, Saxon, B., Miss
Snooks, B.P.S., Mr
Snow, Ann
Snowdon, Miss
Soame, D., Mrs
Soame, Mrs
Soames, Mr
Soane, J., Mr
Soane, John D.
Soanes, A., Miss
Soanes, H., Miss
Soanes, Witney
Soden, W.M., Miss
Sollas, Amabel Nevill
Somers, E.W., Mr
Somerset, William Horace Boscawen
Soper, Mr Michael
Soul, Mr
South Bar Antiques
South, C.
Souther, Mrs
Spackman, M., Miss
Sparkes, R., Mrs
Sparkes, R., Mrs (nee Adams)
Sparrow, J.
Spinks, Mr
Spokes, P.S.
Spokes, P.S., Mrs
Spooner, William Archibald
Spoor, Vivienne
Spurgin, F.C., Mrs
Squires, Dick, Dr
Squires, Dr
Squires, O., Mrs
Squires, R., Dr
Squires, R.
Squires, R.C., Dr
St Pierre, Mrs
St. Clair-Tisdall, F.R., Miss
Stacey, Mr & Stacey, Mr
Stacey, Gordon
Stan, Mr
Standay, Mr
Standen, M., Mrs
Standen, Mrs
Standen, T.L., Mr
Staniland, W., Mrs
Stanley, Betty, Mrs
Stanley, E.S., Mrs
Stanley, Mr
Stanton, F.M., Miss
Stanton, M., Miss
Stanton, William
Stapleton, J., Mrs
Starr, Mr
Steane, J., Mr (OMS staff)
Steane, J.M.
Steane, J.M., Mr
Steane, John
Steane, Kate
Stebbing, N.
Stebbing, Nancy
Stedman, E., Mrs
Steffens, E., Mrs
Steiner, Mulanie
Steptoe, D., Mr
Stern, B., Mrs
Stevens, A.J., Mr
Stevens, B., Miss
Stevens, F.L., Mr.
Stevens, R., Mr
Stevens, Richard
Steventon, Mr
Stew, J., Mrs
Stew, V., Miss
Stewart, A.M., Miss
Stewart, S., Mrs
Stiff, P., Mrs
Stiff, Rev. & Stiff, Mrs
Stimpson, D.M., Mrs
Stimpson, Mr
Stockton, Mr
Stockton, Miss
Stone, A., Mr
Stone, J.V., Mr
Stone, Miss
Stone, Mr
Stone, R., Mr
Stonebridge, James
Stonebridge, A.J.W.
Stopes, Charles J.B.
Stopps, L.E., Mr
Stringer, Margaret A.A.
Strong, A.C.
Strong, D.
Strong, D., Mrs
Strong, Dennis
Strong, Mrs
Stroud, Mr
Stroud, R.A., Mr
Stubbington, G., Mr
Stubbs, Mr
Sturdy, D.
Sturmey, Mr
Summer, F.
Summers, D.
Sumner, Clare
Sumner, Mrs
Surman, Nesta, Mrs
Surman, Robert, Mr
Sutcliff, C.H.
Swains, Colin
Swift, J., Mrs
Swinford, G., Mr
Swinford, George
Sword, Mrs
Sylvester, D., Mr
Symonds, H.P. possibly Horatio Percy
Symons, Mrs
Tait, S., Mrs
Talbot, Arhur
Tallents, A.W.A., Mr & Tallents, Mrs
Talmage, B., Mr
Tame, G.M., Mrs
Tame, Mary, Mrs
Tame, Mr
Tame, Mrs
Tanner, A., Mrs
Taphouse, Thomas William
Taplin, C., Mr.
Taplin, G.
Tarver, N
Tasker, K., Mrs
Tattersall, E., Miss
Taylor, E., Mrs
Taylor, H.J.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, J., Mrs
Taylor, Mrs K.D.
Taylor, L., Mr
Taylor, Miss
Taylor, Mr
Taylor, Mrs
Taylor, R.
Taylor, R.G., Mr
Taylor, R.M
Taylor, R.P., Mr
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, S., Mrs
Taylor., Mr
Tazer, Mrs
Tearle, J.
Tedd, M.R., Mr
Telling, H., Mrs
Telling, H.J., Mr
Telling, Mrs
Terrymiall, Mr
Tewlett, Mr
(the blacksmith, Cropredy)
Thambisetty, Shiva
Thicke, E., Mrs
Thomas, J.M., Mrs
Thomas, Judy, Mrs
Thomas, Mr
Thomas, Mrs
Thomas, R., Mrs
Thompson, A., Mr (per Mrs H. Franklin)
Thompson, M.C., Miss
Thompson, Mr
Thompson, Mrs
Thompson, N., Mrs
Thompson, S. W., Mr
Thomson, Arthur
Thomson, D., Miss
Thomson, Mrs
Thorn, S., Mr
Thornett, F.
Thornett, F., Mr
Thornton, J.S.D.
Thornton, Mr & Thornton, Mrs
Thring, E.W.C., Capt.
Tidmarsh, L.W.
Tilbury, Mrs
Tilby, Mr
Tilling, B., Mr
Tilling, Mr
Tillotson, F., Mr
Tillyard, S.
Timms, Mr
Tims, Mr
Tims, R., Mr
Tobin, J.A., Mrs
Todd, P., Mrs
Tolley, B.A., Mr
Tomaszewski, J.
Tombs, Mr & Tombs, Mrs
Tomlin, W.
Tont, Harry, Mr
Toole, D, Esq.
Toole, F.J., Mr
Tooley, H., Mr
Torbet, J., Mrs
Tovey, M.K., Miss
Townsend, A., Mr
Townsend, Bessie
Townsend, F., Mr
Townsend, Miss
Townsend, Mr & Townsend, Mrs
Townsend, R.S.
Townsend, W., Mr & Townsend, W., Mrs
Townsend, Wilfred, Mr
Toye, H., Col.
Toynbee, M., Miss
Tracey, J., Mr
Trafford, Joseph
Trafford, Nancy
Tree, Chris
Trendell, E.J., Mr
Trigger, Mr
Trim, Henry
Trinder, John
Trinder, M.
Trinder, Miss
Trinder, Mr
Tripe, Mrs
Troughton, J., Mr
Tubb, R.D.
Tucker, W., Mr
Tuckett, D.H., Mr
Tuckey, Mrs & Eagles, Mrs
Tuffrey, Colin
Tugwell, Mrs
Turner, Andrew, Mr
Turner, G., Mr
Turner, G., Mrs
Turner, Geoffrey E.S.
Turner, H., Mrs
Turner, J., Mr
Turner, Mrs
Turner, Ruth probably Ruth Margaret Whyte
Turner, T., Miss
Turner, T., Mrs
Tustain, Mr
Tustain, Mrs
Tustian, R.G., Mr
Tylor, Anna
Tylor, Edward Burnett
Tynan, J., Mr
Tyrell, E., Mr.
Tyrell, Mr
Tyrell, Ivy L.,
Tyrrell, R.C.,
Underhill, Cheryl
Underwood., Mr
Unnamed dealer in Oxford
University Real Tennis Club, Oxford
Upton, R.G., Mr
Urchel, Mr
Vale of
Van Nierkerk, Mrs
Varney, Mr
Vatsala, Mrs S.
Vaughan, Mrs
Veal, M., Mrs
Venables, J., Mr
Venables, P., Mr
Venables, Mr
Venables, Mary
Venables family [of Mary]
Venables, Miss
Vennart, Mrs
Vernon Coles
Vernon, Humphrey, Mrs
via G (?), Norma
Vickers, Mr
Vickers, R.
Viggers, C., Mr
Vincent, G., Mrs
Vincent, J.M., Mrs
Viner, Mr
Vines, Amanda
Vokins, J., Mr
Unknown labourer
Unknown Vicar
Unknown Vicar of Eynsham
Unknown West Oxfordshire Lacemaker
Wade-Martins, Peter, Mr
Wade, H., Mr
Wade, Mrs
Wadham College
Wagstaff, A
Waite, John
Waite, M.V.
Wake, J., Miss
Wake, Miss
Wakefield, H.G., Mr
Walker, C.
Walker, Chris
Walker, E.D., Miss (via Weybridge Museum)
Walker, James
Walker, Joseph
Walker, K.G., Mr
Walker, Martin & Walker, Paul & Walker, Matthew
Walker, Mr
Walker, R., Mr
Wall, A.G., Very Reverend Cannon
Wall, G., Mrs
Wallace, J., Mrs
Waller, Susan., Miss
Walmsley, A.R., Mr
Walsh, J., Miss
Walsh, Mrs
Walsh, P.J., Mrs
Walters, C.L., Mrs
Walton, C.H. Capt
Walton, J., Mr
Walts, F.R.
Ward Smith, T
Ward, D., Mr
Ward, George
Ward, Mr
Warden and
Wardingley, F., Mr
Wardingley, Frank
Wardingley, J., Mrs
Wardingley, Mr & Wardingley, Mrs
Ware, M., Dr
Warmer, Mr
Warne, Janet
Warner, Bob
Warner, D.
Warner, E, Mrs
Warner, Mr
Warner, Mrs
Warner, R., Mr
Warner, Roger
Warren, Mr
Warren, Mrs
Wass, P.H.
Wass, S., Mrs
Waterfield, Robin
Waters, Mr
Watkins, Beryl, Mrs
Watkins, Mrs
Watson, Jill, Mrs
Watson, R., Mr
Watson, Mrs
Watters, Miss J.
Watters, Mrs
Watters, Patience
Watts, Bob, Mr (per C.S.M.V.)
Watts, L.A., Mr
Watts, M
Watts, T.E., Mr
Wearing, L.J., Mr
Wearing, R., Mr
Weaver, J.J., Mr
Webb, C.R., Mr
Webb, D.R., Mr
Webb, G., Mr
Webb, G., Mr & Webb, Mrs
Webb, G.T.
Webb, Lorna
Webb, Mrs
Webb, W.J., Mr
Webber, Ian
Webber, Mike, Mr
Webber, W, P.
Weber, Mr.
Weble, Snr, Mrs
Webley, Miss
Webley, Mr & Webley, Miss
Webster, David
Webster, Graham
Webster, Helen
Weeks, Mrs
Welch, Mr
Welford, Mr
Unknown Well-Keeper, Stoke Row
Weller, E.
Wells, Hilary
Wells, Mrs
Welton, Misses
Wernham, David
West, C., Mrs
West, G.
West, J., Mr
West, M.G., Mrs
West, Mr
West, Mrs
West, P., Mr
Westall, Mr
Westell, J.L., Mr
Western, Miss
Western, Mrs
Weston, Mrs.
Westwood (Rev.)
Wharton, E., Mrs
Wharton, J., Mrs
Wharton, Mr
Wharton, Mrs
Wheable, A., Mrs
Wheable, C., Mr
Wheal, Jesse
Wheal, K.
Wheeler, J., Mr
Wheeler, K.
Wheeler, Mr & Wheeler, Miss
Whipple, Mary
Whipple, S.
White, D.C., Mr
White, Gilbert
White, H.J.
White, J., Mrs
White, K., Miss
White, L.R.
White, Lizzie
White, M., Mr & White, M., Mrs
White, M., Mrs
White, M., Mrs & W
White, M., Mrs & White, N., Mr
White, Mr
White, Mrs
White, N.,
White, N., Mr & White,
White, N., Mr & White, M., Mrs
White, N., Mr & White, N., Mrs
White, R.W., Mr
White, T.C., Mr
Whitehorn, M., Miss
Whitehurst, G., Mrs
Whiteman, C.H.
Whitfield, D., Mrs
Whitfield, Mrs
Whiting, D., Mrs
Whiting, Robert
Whitley, W.H., Mr
Whitlock, F., Mr
Whittaker Antiques
Whittaker, A., Mrs
Whittard of Chelsea
Wiblin, Mr
Wickham Steed, V., Mrs
Wickham, A.M.
Wickham, M., Mrs
Wickham, Mr
Wickson, C.J., Mr
Wickson, G.J., Miss
Wigg, Mrs
Wiggins (?)
Wiggins, D.M., Mrs
Wightman, Mr
Wilcon Homes
Wilcox, A.
Wilkes, Emily
Wilkes, John
Wilkes, Mr. [father of John]
Wilkins, E.C., Mr
Wilkins, F.V., Miss
Wilkinson, Mr. (manager)
Willemsen, J., Mr
Willett, E., Mrs
Williams, D., Mr
Williams, F.
Williams, Geof
Williams, J.H., Mr
Williams, M., Mr
Williams, Miss
Williams, Mr
Williams, Mrs
Williams, Sarah, Miss
Williams, W.A., Mrs
Williamson, Laureen, Mrs
Williamson, Mr
Willis, B., Mrs
Willis, J., Mrs
Willis, Mr
Willis, Mr & Mills, R., Mr
Willis, Mrs
Willis, W.P., Mr
Willoughby, B., Miss
Willoughby, Barbara
Willoughby, E.M.W., Miss
Wills, Lady
Willy, Frank
Wilske, M, Mrs
Wilson, J.
Wilson, John, Mr
Wilson, Mr
Wilson, Mrs
Wilson, R., Mrs
Wilton, G., Mr
Wimpey Homes
Windows, Mrs
Winfield, Mr
Winfield, Prof.
Winter, Jemima
Wolf, Mrs
Wolfe (Capt.)
Wolley, Mrs
Wood, A
Wood, B., Mr
Wood, B.C., Mr
Wood, D., Mr
Wood, L.W.
Wood, Simon
Woodcock, A.
Woodford, Pauline
Woodforde, F.C. possibly Francis Cardew
Woodforde, James
Woodhall, Julia
Wooding, Derry
Woodley, E., Mrs
Woodley, S., Mrs
Woodruff, Mr
Woods, K.J., Mr
Woodward, E, Mrs
Woodward, Frank
Woodward, Mrs
Woodward, P., Mrs
Woodward, Rhonda
Woodward, V.P., Mr
Woolatt, L.
Woolcock, G., Mr
Woolcock, Mr
Wooler, Miss (per City Librarian)
Woolgrove, K., Mrs (via Asmholean Museum)
Woollatt, L.E., Mrs
Woolley, R., Mr
Wootton, A.R., Miss
Wordingham, Miss
Worley, Mr
Wornham, F., Mrs
Worrall, T., Mrs
Wray, Miss
Wray, Mrs
Wren, J, Mr
Wright, A. Radio Oxford
Wright, B.A., Mrs
Wright, Edith
Wright, Eileen, Mrs
Wright, John
Wright, S., Mrs
Wright, Mrs W.J.
Wyatt, E., Mr
Wyatt, Mrs
Wyatt, Mr
Wylde, E., Mr
Wylie, Miss
Wynne, Mr
Yapp, R., Mr
Yapp, Richard
Yardley, Mrs.
Yates, D.S.
Yates, R.St.J., Mr
Yates, Mrs
Young, Dorothy
Young, E., Mrs
Young, E.M.B., Mrs
Young, L.P.M., Mr
Young, Mrs
Young, W., Mr & Young, W., Mrs
Young, W., Mrs
Young, W.S., Mr & Young, Mrs