Items in the collections which are not assigned to a time period
The interactive map shown below lists the number of English items in the collection at Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford) for which the museum has locational information, but cannot assign to a specific time period. There are a total of 3,414 accession book entries for which the records at the museum which have no specific time period classification. Of these records, 501 (14.67%) have no locational information.
Locations which have items in the collection are indicated by the dots on the map, with dot shading indicating how many records are from a given location. Hover the mouse over a dot to see a pop up containing the name of the location, the ceremonial county in which the settlement is located, and the number of accession book entries relating to items from the location. Clicking on a dot will open a new page containing detailed information about the items from the selected location.
To zoom into a region on the map, hold down the left mouse button and draw a box covering the area you wish to view (note: it is best to start drawing your box from an area clear of dots, such as the ocean, to avoid clicking on a location containing a pop-up). When you release the mouse button you will then zoom into this region and have a clearer view of the spread of dots. You can zoom out by clicking on clear green or blue space on the map, or using the zoom out button in the bottom right hand corner. There are scroll buttons at the edge of the map, to allow you to scroll up and down and left and right.
Interactive Maps of the Pitt Rivers collections:
Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Medieval, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, items with no assigned time period, and all items from all time periods.