Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum

Pitt Rivers Museum Publications 1884-2008

Alison Petch, Researcher 'The Other Within' project and Mark Dickerson, Balfour Librarian

Australia in Oxford

Australia in Oxford





Alison Petch's introduction: When I started working on the Occasional Papers on Technology webpage I realised that there did not appear to be an easily available list of all the books etc published by the Pitt Rivers Museum. Here is the list I have compiled with Mark Dickerson, please note that it omits small single sheet 'publications', such as information sheets. Many thanks to Mark Dickerson, Balfour Librarian, who suggested the methodology for compiling this list, checked it for me and found many of the more obscure publications. The Balfour Library contains copies of all these publications which can be consulted (in person) by any bona fide scholar. See here.

All of these papers are published by the Museum, University of Oxford.

Occasional Papers on Technology

1944. Knowles, Francis. The Manufacture of a Flint Arrow-head by Quartzite Hammerstone [I][reprinted 1968]
1948. Start, Laura E. The McDougal Collection of Indian Textiles from Guatemala and Mexico [II]
1950. Blackwood, Beatrice. Technology of a Modern Stone-Age People in New Guinea [III]
1951. Coghlan, H.H. Notes on the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Copper and Bronze in the Old World [IV]
1952. Penniman, T.K. Pictures of Ivory and other Animals Teeth, Bone and Antler [V]
1953. Knowles, Francis. Stone-Worker's Progress, a Study of Stone Implements in the Pitt Rivers Museum [VI]
1955. Turner, G.E.S. Hair Embroidery in Siberia and North America [VII][re-printed 1976, 1996]
1956. Coghlan, H.H. Notes on Prehistoric and Early Iron in the Old World [VIII][re-printed 1977]
1960. Baines, Anthony. Bagpipes [IX][this had three editions, 1960, 1979 and 1995]
1970. Britton, D. (with I.M. Allen and H.H. Coghlan). Metallurgical Reports on British and Irish Bronze Age Implements and Weapons in the Pitt Rivers Museum. [X]
1970. Blackwood, Beatrice. The Classification of Artefacts in the Pitt Rivers Museum [XI]
1975. Oakley, Kenneth P. Decorative and Symbolic Uses of Vertebrate Fossils [XII]
1985. Oakley, Kenneth P. Decorative and Symbolic Uses of Fossils: Selected groups mainly invertebrate [XIII]
1997? Fagg, M.C. Rock Music [XIV]


1977. Bockstoce, John R. Eskimos of Northwest Alaska in the early nineteenth century [I]
1978. Blackwood, Beatrice. The Kukukuku of the upper Watut [II]
c. 1983. Bowden, Ross. Yena: art and ceremony in a Sepik society [III]
1988 Morphy, Howard and Elizabeth Edwards [editors] Australia in Oxford [IV]
1992. Mowat, Linda and Howard Morphy and Penelope Dransart. Basketmakers: meaning and form in Native American baskets [V]
1996. Tayler, Donald. Embarkations: ethnography and shamanism of the Chocó Indians of Columbia [VI]
1997. Tayler, Donald The coming of the sun: a prologue to Ika sacred narrative [VII]
1998. Tayler, Donald A village in Asturias [VIII]


1988. ?Author. Catalogue of the Australian collections
1993. Mowat, Linda. Catalogue of the Native American Collections
2000. Gosden, Chris and Chantal Knowles. Catalogue of objects collected by Beatrice Blackwood during fieldwork in south-west New Britain, Papua New Guinea
2000. Gosden, Chris and Chantal Knowles. Catalogue of objects collected by A.B. Lewis during fieldwork in south-west New Britain, Papua New Guinea Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.

Souvenir Guides

1993. Cousins, Julia. The Pitt Rivers Museum: a souvenir guide to the collections
2004. Cousins, Julia. Pitt Rivers Museum: an introduction

Exhibitions Publications

c. 1993 ?Author. Wilfred Thesiger's photographs: a 'most cherished possession'
1996. Lowe, John. Glimpses of Kyoto Life
c2000 Coote, Jeremy with Chris Morton and Julia Nicholson. Transformations: the art of recycling
2001. Edwards, Elizabeth. Acts of Faith: Brazilian contemporary photography


[n.d.] St. George Gray, Harold. A memoir of Lieut.-General Pitt-Rivers. [PRM reprint]
1940? [?Author] An exhibition of Balkan peasant work presented by Miss M. E. Durham.
[n.d. 197?] Villiers, Alan. Captain James Cook : a tribute.
[n.d. 197?][?Author] From the islands of the South Seas : an exhibition of a collection made on Captain Cook's second voyage of discovery by J. R. Forster
1974. Stevenson, I. Neil. Andean village technology : an introduction to a collection of manufactured articles from Santiago de Chocorvos, Peru.
c 1981. Edwards, Elizabeth and Lynne Williamson. World on a glass plate: early anthropological photographs from the Pitt Rivers Museum.
1984. Cheetham/ Mowat, Linda. Textiles : an introduction.
1987. Cheetham, Linda. Making light work.
1991. Blackwood, Beatrice. The origin and development of the Pitt Rivers Museum [re-printed part of Occasional Paper XI]
1990. Kang, Chen Ning & Lan, Fu Mu. The goddess of Batik : textiles from China.
1991. La Rue, Helene. A whole room for music : a short guide to the Balfour Building Music Makers' Gallery
1991. Mowat, Linda. Symbols of kings : Benin art at the Pitt Rivers Museum
1995. Mills, J.P. with Geraldine Hobson. The Pangsha letters: an expedition to rescue slaves in the Naga Hills
1996. Petch, Alison (editor) Collectors I
1997. Petch, Alison. Hunting for the Right Weapon
1998. Petch, Alison (editor) Collectors II

 Technologies & Materials